Sunday, June 19, 2016

Environmental is on risk with dumping garbage


srilanka is ready for taking new measures in managing the environmental pollution via slowly decompose poly compounds by stopping their usage  according to a decision taken by environmental friendly approach.

Garbage disposal is a major environmental problem in many developing countries all over the world as disposal is done without systematic methodological manner program ed in environmental friendly way.Unlimited production of slowly decomposed polyethylene and polyvinyl compounds as well as plastics completely blocked their recycling ability with their huge production volume.In some instances, burning of such poly compounds release carbon monoxide,sulfur dioxide,nitro us oxide,nitrogen dioxide,cyanide compounds which of all gases are environmental pollutants as well as poisonous to biological systems causing serious respiratory tract diseases and carcinomas.

Complex chain bonds in polyethylene and polyvinyl compounds make them more difficult in natural decomposition process.The enzymes of  soil bacteria are adapting through millions of years to decompose the natural substances such as cellulose,protein,keratin and other bio-polymer compounds in continued bio-recycling systems.But lack of suitable enzymes to decompose artificial substances of above,completely blocked natural recycling of them.such slow decomposition causes accumulation of polymer wastes in the environment.

Gathering of polymer compounds in the environment  make complications of natural nitrogen,oxygen,carbon,sulfur and other cycles which are maintaining environmental balance and equilibrium of bio systems.Many of earth worms,their predators,soil bacteria,insects such as ants may affect their life cycles due to shortage of foods,required natural places for breeding and nursery.some of poisionus pesticides including Arsenic,arsenates,murcury and other heavy elements passes through food chains in the environment and accumulate on upper segments of carnivores and omnivores such as human.such a gathering of heavy elements in the livers of above animals makes various  commonalities  in biological systems.Once in such well known example in United States resulted to thinning  the egg shells of eagles who laid their eggs on the top of Red wood trees which causing to crack the eggs easily by the shock waves.

The extinctions of many endangered animal and plant species in polluted environments by heavy elements and nuclear wastes is a common feature all over the world.Many developing countries in the world do not keep their garbage management in a safe mode which is due to lack of knowledge,shortages of financial provisions for environmental safe,lack of knowledge in the importance of garbage recycling,other internal priorities than environmental clean.

The newer threat to keep the environment clean is electrical wastes removed as computer parts and other electric particles .These wastes are not only harmful with led,murcury,bismath,cadmium,polonium like heavy elements but also never decompose due to lack of microbe act on them.

What of measures are eligible on the view of developing nation's to manage their garbage problems according to their financial,technological,cultural and traditional frames.Such management  may help to maintain garbage gathering as well as produce environmental friendly end products such as organic fertilizers.After at all, organic garbage is easily managed through natural decomposition but some of heavy elements and inorganic wastes make huge threats for the well being of whole bio system because microbes cannot decay them.When recycling such heavy metals and inorganic elements,developing nations should be equipped by extra technical knowledge from richer nations.

separation of each elemental and useful materials from computer and other wastes is required more advanced technologies which also be a successful source of income for many developing countries.

(S.M Anuradha Senarathna- BSc(Hon's,PG dip in socio)--youths for good politics,sera idea

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